How do you like to take in your breath of spring at Langford Lowfields reserve?

Do you like a brisk walk to cover the ground and blow away the cobwebs? Or do you prefer something more leisurely, to meander, or just to sit and let nature come to you?

Well there’s something for everyone at Langford and we have produced this map to help you find your way around.

 There is a footpath which goes all the way round the reserve. The path is outside the reserve boundary so your dog is welcome to join you. This route is 6 km, or 4 miles, so it will take a couple of hours, or more, if you stop to admire the views. There are excellent views across all parts of the reserve, including those areas which are not open to the public. You can see the areas where quarrying has recently finished and which are still developing as homes for nature, but the wildlife loves the uninterrupted tranquillity of these areas.

If you prefer a more leisurely approach, you can take a shorter stroll around that part of the reserve which is open to all visitors. From the car park follow the signs through the woodland and along part of the perimeter path to the reserve entrance. It’s about a kilometre ( 0.6 miles) from the carpark to the entrance so allow about 20 minutes.

Once on the reserve you will see our beautiful Beach Hut which is open when our volunteers are on the reserve. Although we are a long way from the beach, this really is a Beach Hut because it was recycled from one of the RSPB’s coastal reserves!

From there you can walk around the northern part of the reserve ( 2.2 km or 1.5 miles ) in about half an hour, but why rush, take time to sit on one of the benches and relax.

Another easy route is to take the floating bridge and boardwalk across the reedbeds. From here you get a duck’s eye view of the watery landscape.


However you do it, you can get a boost to your spirits at Langford, and we look forward to welcoming you soon.

Roger Golds

RSPB Langford Lowfields

Data Management Volunteer