Langford Lowfields reserve is blooming! The blackthorn blossom is painting vivid white clouds everywhere and the spring migrants are singing their hearts out.

Most of the migrants are here although we’re still waiting for the latecomers. Reed warblers are the latest to arrive and joined the blackcaps, sedge warblers, chiffchaffs and willow warblers who arrived earlier.

The unusual birds keep cropping up as well. The little bunting, which has been here for most of the winter is still around, a few bar-tailed godwits have been passing through and the star of the show is a recent slavonian grebe, the first ever at Langford, which showing off its bright plumage on the water.

The mammals are also enjoying the spring sunshine during the day with otter, weasel and stoat all coming out on 19 April. Three mustelids in the same day must be a bit special.

All the flooding and soggy paths are now a distant memory with nice, dry walking underfoot and lots of human visitors enjoying the lovely sunny weather. Come and get your helping of spring at Langford Lowfields. We look forward to seeing you.


Sedge warbler, photo Stuart Carlton

Roger Golds

RSPB Langford Lowfields

Data Management Volunteer