If you stand at the 3600 viewing platform at Langford Lowfields reserve, you can look out over the southern part of the reserve which is normally kept for the wildlife only. This huge area is a favourite place for wild things and so they appreciate the peace and quiet during the breeding season.

However now, most birds and other animals have had their families, and so we have opened up our seasonal trail. This is a “there-and-back” walk which takes you into the middle of the southern part of the reserve.

See the route in pink on the map above.

There are temporary benches to sit on and feast your eyes on the wide, watery vista and enjoy the peace yourself.

If you walk from the Beach Hut, past the 3600 viewing platform, you will come to a gate which is normally locked, but now it is flung wide open and this is the entry to the seasonal trail.


Please follow the path and stay within the ropes for your own safety.

When you get to the main plateau at the end of the seasonal trail look out for a fascinating bit of Langford history


Around 4000 years ago a mighty oak tree was blown down and it floated down the River Trent. It came to rest on a shingle bank in the river. At that time the Pyramids, in Eqypt, were being built and the river was probably very wide and meandering with many shallow parts and so there, Olaf, our mighty oak, remained stuck in the gravel. Over thousands of years the River Trent deposited more shingle and covered the oak tree. Recently our partners, Tarmac, extracted the gravel and their huge digger plucked Olaf out of its gravelly resting place and put it back on dry land for the first time in thousands of years. So spare a thought for Olaf; he has been around for longer than we can imagine.


You can then return to now, by the same route, back into the public part of the reserve.

The seasonal trail will remain open for a few months until the winter rains make it impassable, at which time it will go back to being for wildlife only.

So don’t miss it, call in and seize this opportunity while you can. We look forward to seeing you soon.

all photos courtesy of Ruth Edwards

Roger Golds

RSPB Langford Lowfields

Data Management Volunteer