Taking the Long Way Home

It’s nice to get two trips to Havergate in a week.  The odd bit of drizzle and some far more sensible timings meant sunrise pictures were out of the question, but the inconvenience of the RSPB’s boat being unwell (it’s having an engine transplant) meant we were picked up by Ollie in Regardless.  He was on his way around the Island on one of the regular river trips he runs, so we had a bit of a bonus journey the long way back to Orford – perfect timing with plenty of mud on the shoreline for birds to search through

Ever patient hares were on the Island itself of course

But the focus of this thread is the river – and it didn’t take long for the Sandwich Terns to fly past

And fish for their lunch

A Curlew was surprisingly difficult to spot against the shingle

Although Little Egrets (lots of them) were far easier to find

Marching through the mud, a Black Tailed Godwit

Was far more relaxed than the Avocets, who all left when they saw us.  Although a drifting Marsh Harrier probably didn’t help

The Redshank looked completely stuck

But the Canada Goose simply squidged away…


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