Hare Days & Holidays

This time of year, there are always a few trips to the island that are Hare focused.  They're always about of course, but it seems appropriate to dedicate a thread to the Island's largest mammal at this time of year.

Of course, you need extraordinary field skills to creep up unobserved on a hare to get pictures

"Doh! You idiot, people have read these threads before" said the hare, "You should know by now no-one will believe you!"

Oh, right, OK, fair enough I suppose.  You're keeping well I see?  Keeping that fur in tip-top condition

"Of course" the hare replied. "Wait, is that someone coming?".  Who? What? Where? I asked spinning round.

"Hahahaha!!  Foooooled you!!" sang the hare.  "Raaasssspppp!!"

Oh yes, thank you very much.  Every time - EVERY TIME I come here to take pictures of you, I get the rudeness!  Right, I'll go and find someone else to photograph then!  Over the other side of the gorse is someone far more Zen like to talk to

"Hey Man!" the hare drawled, "Sit down & relaaaax"

"Grab some grass and chill out"  Now be honest, isn't that the laziest hare you've ever seen!


Find me on Flickr / All about your camera - The Getting off Auto Index

  • People do ask me sometimes what lens they should bring to photograph hares.  I'll admit not all are quite as accommodating as my Zen-like friend here, but you don't need anything too special normally.  Indeed, when you get one particularly chilled like this chap, 400mm is just a bit too long...

    Exif tells me the focus distance is 10ft - and I was sat down, so my feet were more like 6ft from this clearly ultra-stressed (NOT!) wild hare!  You can see other visitors were enjoying the experience too - reflected in the hare's eye....


    Find me on Flickr / All about your camera - The Getting off Auto Index

  • Cracking story and pictures, as for the story, well what can I say, brilliant!!

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.