For Those Missing Havergate

It looks (from Lyndsey's recent blog) that most trips won't re-start in the short term, but Mrs WJ and I had the chance to pop over for a little while the other day (volunteer stuff) so I thought you might like a few images to keep you going.

There are plenty of the big gulls around at the moment - such as this Lesser Black Backed

and Black Headed Gulls dabble in the water

Shelduck positively glow in the sunshine

But it's probably easier if I simply run this montage - as you can see, quite a few chicks are appearing across the little islands

Everyone is keen to know how the Hares are doing - and the good news is that they seem very happy and are just as chilled out as normal, loping around between us as we sat on the path.

I should probably have used a smaller lens - I often had to wait for the Hare to make itself a bit smaller before I could get it all in!

I thought you might like a little video of them too - just for the variety

Hopefully it won't be long before everyone can return......


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