Tripping the Island Fantastic

With no public trips to Havergate in the past two years, people have been understandably keen to get out to the Island to check out the wildlife & warden Lyndsey has tried to get a good range of opportunities into the diary. That has included two of the early morning all-day photography trips in the past fortnight - you don't HAVE to be a photographer of course, but it's normally only such mad individuals prepared to be at Orford for 7am on a chilly March morning & happy to not return until 3 in the afternoon! So what is out there at the moment?

Many people are obviously keen to see the hares and both days it wasn't long before one was spotted. 

New visitors get very excited when they see this, but of course those who have been before save their batteries and memory cards for pics more like this one

I wasn't too sure whether I'd taken this pic or Mrs WJ, but a quick check of the eyeball reflection confirms it was Mrs WJ :-)

It was also Mrs WJ who found this little lichen love-favour, presumably left by a Jack for his Jill

It appears to have worked!

Thankfully there wasn't too much X-rated stuff or we'd have to start putting warnings on the website!

For those who find all that running around too tiring, here's a bit of hare calm for you

Out on the lagoons, little Dunlin were poking around

and it was wonderful to see the Spoonbills returning, hopefully to nest again and rear their young. 

Oystercatchers flying around calling

Canada Geese bobbing on the water & looking for nest sites in the saltmarsh

and a montage of some of the other residents for a bit of variety

What really rounded the day off however, was the little Firecrest

Yep, still plenty to see on Suffolk's only island :-)


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