The joy of no television, computers, traffic, electrical power, post, running water and peacefulness!

Havergate Island is a joy to stay on in this hectic world of now-a-days. Neighbours being Brown Hares, Common Gulls and a variety of other species.

Rise with the sun and to bed by dark ... a week of wonders, each day a delight.

Always a pleasure watching birds

  • Really nice picture. This is standing by the volunteers huts looking towards Butley River/Boyton? Correct?

  • Bingo! Havergate has some lovely sunrises and sunsets. The best, in my view, are from the huts (which I refer to as Havergate City!) and from Gullery hide.

    Always a pleasure watching birds

  • Yes I know how you feel. I lived and worked on the island for 7 years and actually started visting the island in 1973. In all those years it has changed but obviously the atmosphere never does. I no longer live in Orford and haven't seen the island for 10 years.

  • Fantastic shot, some of the best sunsets I have ever seen have been from the island. One February night sticks in my mind.

    Glad you had a great time on the island and thanks for sharing your picture.

    Aaron, Site Manager

  • Aaron, my family sent me the recent article in the EADT. Thought it was a very good article and I wish you luck with building the new sluices. I must admit I had a hand and a lot of sweat and hard work in building most of the old ones with John and know it will not be easy for you guys to replace them. I do follow the news about Havergate as much as I can and still keep in contact with some of my old work friends as much as I can. My family still lives in Orford but I no longer live in the UK. I still watch Avocets, but they are American Avocets! I hope you do not mind me blogging you on here and would actually like to email you as I am trying to get in touch with an old friend from the RSPB.


  • The sluices have done the island proud! Can still make out the date marks on the top of each sluice. Im guessing your Steve? Of course I don't mind you blogging, its always great to have a link with people who have worked on the sites in the past.

    The EU Life project will have its own site up and running soon outlining what I have planned for the island, but we will of course keep everyone updated via the Havergate Blog as well.

    Kind regards

    Aaron, Site Manager

  • Yes indeed. Considerably warmer then than today!

    Always a pleasure watching birds