Havergate on Wikipedia


I recently wrote up the the article for Havergate Island on wikipedia (can be found here). A link to the article along with a fact about it is going to apear on the wikipedia mainpage, in the Did You Know..? section, between 9:00am and 5:00pm on Sunday.

I was wondering if anyone here would like to check it over for glaring mistakes or contribute their own info or have any alternative sources that can be used as references??


  • Hi Joss,

    I read through your wikipedia entrance for Havergate, many thanks for doing it. It s a significant improvement from what was there!

    Reading through it I did'nt spot ay glaring errors. and thought it was really good. I'll let you know If i think of anything than can be added.


  • Thanks Kieren for looking over the article.

    During the hours the Havergate Island link was on the front page of wikipedia the article was viewed just under 1500 times!

  • Hi Joss,

    Looks great, many thanks for spending the time amending our wikipedia entry. Receiving 1500 visits is fantastic news!

    As Kieren says if you would like any additional information please do let us know.


    Aaron, Site Manager