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Frog deaths

I cried last week when clearing out what's left of my pond. Twelve frogs floated to the surface, obviously caught in the frozen water. Whilst glorying in the fieldfare spectacular, I had forgotten about these poor animals.

Our pond sprung a leak last year, so we emptied it. Unfortunately the rain had filled it again, but not to a depth that could cope with the freeze. We are now trying to redo it before the breeding season.

  • Hi  Thanks for the tip. I haven't been on line for a while so have just got your post.

    I wasn't surprised at the heron's behaviour, but we now have a blackbird that LOVES tadpoles! He goes around the edge,  picking them out one by one. I suppose the heron advise will also be applicable to other feathered predators. I will check now.

    Just checked the web page you gave me. In the past we have had a solid 'lid' on the pond because of grandchildren. This was a wooden  frame with steel wire inserts. It worked well, but now the children are older we want a more natural look. Maybe the heron and blackbird will have less luck fishing when the plants establish.