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Pond water circulation

Hello everyone,

We cleared out our garden pond at the end of October 09, re-lined it, refilled & planted all in the same day.  The fish thought their birthdays had all come at once!  It is now trying to rebalance itself after the early spring growth & we have barley straw starting to do its work.  However we feel that some form of water circulation would improve things for all concerned & have been wondering about a floating solar fountain.  Our pond is 8' x 8', circular, & approx. 3' or so deep in the centre.  Has anyone got any experience of these, or any alternative options?  We would be grateful for any information on the subject.


Retired & loving it, a scot living in the south of England.

  • Thank you Nicola that is very kind of you. I will let you know do but it may be a while before I manage to buy one as we have so much work to do in the garden....... :-(

    Your account of the cubs is lovely and I am green with envy. I am sure everyone on here would love to hear about them, you ought to start a new thread! :)

    Kind regards Jane.

  • Just picked up your last two posts Nicola.  Thanks for the info about the pump, I am gradually gleaning information.

    I chuckled at your report of the fox cubs.  For years we have had them visiting us, playing in the garden & like you leaving all kinds of odd things, like trainers & small items.  We seem to have been without them for the last couple of years, I presume where new residents have remodelled their overgrown gardens so driving them further out.  However the foxes do still use the garden as a run & forage for what they can find in the compost heap!


    Retired & loving it, a scot living in the south of England.

  • Thought I would let you all know that I now have the floating fountain which has been installed for about 4 weeks & is working well.  I find that the single nozzle works best rather than the spray head, managing anything between 2" & 12" or so on a hot sunny day.  The pond is clearing gradually & the fish are much happier with the added water circulation.

    Thank you all for your help, advice & information which was all put to good use.  Good luck with your ponds.


    Retired & loving it, a scot living in the south of England.

  • I have purchased a solar fountain with battery back up and must say I am very dissapointed with it.

    It worked for a few minutes and even in brilliant sunshine just manages a trickle for a couple of minutes at best.

    I asked for a replacement which I got but this was just as bad as the first so am now returning for a refund.

    Does any one know of a fountain or waterfall effect that can be placed on the side of the pond that would help to aerate it.

    I have no power in the garden so it would need to be self contained.




    It's not always easy to hug a hedgehog.

    But that doesn't mean you shouldn't.

  • Returned the solar fountain but I am now thinking about getting power to the garden next year (if I can afford it!).

    I am looking at getting a pump to run a waterfall or spout type thing.

    Has anyone any suggestions on a set up and have you any pics,I would love to see them.


    It's not always easy to hug a hedgehog.

    But that doesn't mean you shouldn't.

  • Gentle bump to the top!

    I would love to see any pics of anyone elses waterfall,fountains,spouts,set ups etc.

    It might give me some ideas to work with!


    It's not always easy to hug a hedgehog.

    But that doesn't mean you shouldn't.

  • Another bump up!

    It's not always easy to hug a hedgehog.

    But that doesn't mean you shouldn't.

  • We have a new small pond, about 4ft x 3ft and will not be putting any fish in.... we just want nature to take over.  We put oxygenating plants in the water in October and they have survived the cold winter so far. 


    My question is.... do you think we need a water fountain.  We have not any power to the garden, so wondered about a solar one.  I know you may think this pond is too small to worry about, but we really wanted one and have not got room yet for a bigger one.


    We bought three water snails and now they seem to have reproduced, or maybe there were some others hiding in the weed.


    Looking forward to any answers.  I do have a picture of it, but have no idea how to post a picture here.

    Respect Mother Nature and all her creatures.

  • Hi Ruby

    I tried a small solar fountain last year and was very dissapointed with it.It may have been that mine was not very expensive,others may have a different view.

    I hope this year (finances permitting!) to have power laid on in the garden so I can have a more reliable fountain or waterfall.

    On another note I cleaned out my pond in October this year instead of the usual spring.The result so far seems to be that no blanket weed seems to be in it.

    This has always been a problem for me even though I have used barley straw logs and extract.I am wondering if cleaning in the autumn means that thw water can balance itself before the sunshine gets to it.

    Will see what happens during the summer.I will still use the barley straw logs and/or extract as well.


    It's not always easy to hug a hedgehog.

    But that doesn't mean you shouldn't.

  • Hi Ruby

    I tried a small solar fountain last year and was very dissapointed with it.It may have been that mine was not very expensive,others may have a different view.

    I hope this year (finances permitting!) to have power laid on in the garden so I can have a more reliable fountain or waterfall.

    On another note I cleaned out my pond in October this year instead of the usual spring.The result so far seems to be that no blanket weed seems to be in it.

    This has always been a problem for me even though I have used barley straw logs and extract.I am wondering if cleaning in the autumn means that thw water can balance itself before the sunshine gets to it.

    Will see what happens during the summer.I will still use the barley straw logs and/or extract as well.


    It's not always easy to hug a hedgehog.

    But that doesn't mean you shouldn't.