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Blue Tits in my new box!

Hi everyone.  

This is my first post, so forgive me if its not in the right place/format etc.

I joined the RSPB about a month ago, and kindly received my nest box in the post a week later.  The following day, it went up in the tree behind my garden and just 5 days later, after much inspection, a pair of Blue Tits have taken up residence!  Its fabulous news for my husband and I who are avid bird watchers!  So, it's been around 2 weeks now of constant coming and goings with nest material etc.  Anyone know, when they should start (if of course they do..) laying eggs?  We can hear them tap tapping away inside the box so presume nest building is still going on at the moment, but it's our first ever view of a Blue Tit home in the making so not sure how things should progress, nature being kind to them of course.  Its all very exciting stuff though!
