I ate my first wild blackberry Saturday (12 July), plucked from a bramble in Woodford that was overburdened…
I am back to land after 22 days at sea and lots of fishing. This cruise gave me the opportunity to share…
I'm sitting in the port of Coquimbo in Chile, just about to set off for a month aboard a longline vessel…
The depth of knowledge and sheer joy of working with iconic birds has stood out for me this week during…
I was recently aboard a 30-metre long Uruguayan longline vessel targeting swordfish for 14 days. Due…
During the later half of June it was off to sea again on the Irvin & Johnson wet-fish trawler, the Stevia…
Twenty four birds successfully netted, one escapee. The London House Sparrow Research Project has been…
Less than 24 hours after I sent my first diary, I finally received a long awaited call allowing me to…
Friday was a black day. We lost an eight-week-old female peregrine.
These magnificent birds have taken…