
I can't work out whether I've simply not been paying enough attention, or if they only turned up on Saturday, but for the first time ever I saw 3 little birds that I can only identify as bramblings (from the RSPB website and various bird books). Makes me think there's so much I normally miss that goes on in my garden! All had the tell-tale rusty top of breast through to shoulders, but different markings around the head - one with black feathers by the eyes and down the side of the (yellow) beak almost looked like he(?) was sporting a moustache! Do these birds change head plummage, does anyone know - or are there just male/female plummage differences? They were hanging about with chaffinces and greenfinches (a very small "flock", only about 6-8 birds maximum at one time) in the tree that acts as a staging post for our feeders, but made only one half-hearted attempt at the bird feeders (sunflower hearts) and didn't settle.