Osprey Poems

There have been various poems posted on the Loch Garten Osprey threads: here is a new one of mine, to celebrate the fledging of the first youngster on  the Loch Garten nest for 2010--


The gentle morning broke as the sun put out its lissom threads of red and bronze upon the nest-

I felt that today, I was to be as one with this wind which has buffeted  me strongly for days now, and bent our frail bodies to its will.

My brothers tried to move their wings against the skies, but failed to shake themselves from their anchor on the twigs crackling hard beneath our new bright talons.

I raised them, my wings, my reason for being, feeling their feathers soft but brave and powerful, and jumped up, and jumped up again...

I lifted, and felt stronger than before, pushed with my newly strengthened legs, and tried again:  the greedy wind grasped me upwards, and I let it take me up, upwards and above - I was flying at last,  flying so that my breath was almost taken from me in the excitement of flight for the very first time.

As I curved around the nest which had been my only home since I began, I felt with myself the oneness of my being alive, of flying at  long last in Nature's true embrace - I was at Home in the world itself, and nothing could take this from me.



  • Thanks Lindy, that comes from all of our hearts I think, lovely.

    Terry in Cumbria

  • Home Alone

    Where's our mum gone?
    Where's big bruv?
    There's only us two here now,
    Oh yes, and the guv.

    The nights are drawing in
    It's getting rather cool,
    Dad's not bringing us many fish,
    We think he's working to rule.

    Shall we sit here shouting,
    Making lots of fuss?
    Or shall we just make tracks
    And stop being such a wuss?

    (Sorry, wusses doesn't rhyme.)


    Terry in Cumbria

  • Thanks TerryM I like that and hopefully they will make tracks soon.


  • Great fun, TerryM!   -  'wusses'   only rhymes with fusses doesnt it!!?  and sort of doesn't work!  Like your version, much more cheerful than mine!

    -- many thanks to those who have enjoyed my effort - glad you liked it.

  • So lovely and light hearted Terry Thank you

  • Ah but Lindy, yours are proper poems, I probably won't be struck again for another 40 years!

    Thanks to those who enjoyed it.

    Terry in Cumbria

  • A poem is a poem, TerryM - not  'proper' , indeed!

    Here is another one repeated from 2009 - when EJ the female left for Africa at this same time of year-

              E   J

    As EJ softly slips away, her work all done,
    We have to say
    Our admiration goes with you
    For all the care you followed through.

    From eggs to tiny little chicks
    You fed them, guarded them with sticks
    And spread those wings in summer rain
    To gently shelter them again.

    As they all grew, you just stood by-
    As teenagers, the sparks do fly!
    You knew they'd grow up sleek and strong
    As sisters, friends for all life long.

    When time came soon to leave the nest
    You did what you just know is best-
    You waited in a nearby tree
    As wings were tested, one, two, three.

    Confident that all your brood
    Would learn to fly, and find their food:
    You watched them, guarding, standing by:
    A hint of pride showed in your eye.

    Now they're full grown and large as you
    There is no doubt as what to do
    But let them go, as go they will
    Yet, keep them in your memory still.

  • There is such a lot of talent on here, these are very moving poems and your thoughts and affection for these magnificent birds really shines through. Thank you for lettting us read them  Lindybird and TerryM.

    Kind regards Jane.

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 31/08/2010 10:46 in reply to Goldcrest

    Hi there

    Love all of your wonderful thoughts on paper about our ospreys.

    They deserve a whole lot of support of their lives on the edge as they do. What a life too with so many up's and down's and we all want them to be safe and sound at the same time too.

    We have to admire them for the beautiful birds that they are, and always will be in our eyes.


    Kathy and Dave

  • Hey, Lindy, stop making me grizzle when I'm at work!

    Terry in Cumbria