Osprey Poems

There have been various poems posted on the Loch Garten Osprey threads: here is a new one of mine, to celebrate the fledging of the first youngster on  the Loch Garten nest for 2010--


The gentle morning broke as the sun put out its lissom threads of red and bronze upon the nest-

I felt that today, I was to be as one with this wind which has buffeted  me strongly for days now, and bent our frail bodies to its will.

My brothers tried to move their wings against the skies, but failed to shake themselves from their anchor on the twigs crackling hard beneath our new bright talons.

I raised them, my wings, my reason for being, feeling their feathers soft but brave and powerful, and jumped up, and jumped up again...

I lifted, and felt stronger than before, pushed with my newly strengthened legs, and tried again:  the greedy wind grasped me upwards, and I let it take me up, upwards and above - I was flying at last,  flying so that my breath was almost taken from me in the excitement of flight for the very first time.

As I curved around the nest which had been my only home since I began, I felt with myself the oneness of my being alive, of flying at  long last in Nature's true embrace - I was at Home in the world itself, and nothing could take this from me.



  • Aye Lindy

    That is a beautiful piece of work.

    Thankyou for sharing it ... I know what its like to put something on the Internet that you have writen . you  kinda put yourself out there with no sheld .

    Well done on such wonderful wording.



    If its no fun Yer no doin it right!

  • Hi Lindybird

    Great idea for a thread {big smile}

    A fabulous account of an Ospreys life. Each poem tells a story and it is good to interpret the words, and what they really mean to us.

    The use of words within the content of the poem, I could feel myself as the Osprey would sitting on the nest, breaking twiglets, flying up in the air and hunting for food.

    After the events of Loch of Lowe Ospreys this makes us think that Ospreys live their lives on a limb.  Things change so fast and things can go wrong.  At least the things that go can rectify the situation once more for us the viewer.   So we can observe the Ospreys for another day, and another year and we hold our breath in anticipation for everything to have a happy ending.

    Thank you for sharing with us, and giving us food for thought {big smile}


    Kathy and Dave

  • Hidden talents Lindybird and quite beautiful, captures the spirit of the bird tenderly. Well done

    Of all creatures, man is the most detestable, he is the only creature that inflicts pain for sport, knowing it to be pain.
    ~ Mark Twain

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 12/07/2010 04:44 in reply to Anonymous

    Hi Lindeybird

    I have also been to Loch Garten many times as a youngster - courtesy of my bird loving mother and spent a lot of time looking at the Ospreys through binoculars and loving every minute of it

    As I am from Edinburgh (Scottish accent) the journey never took all that long and my family made it part of a trip each and every time we travelled for a holiday in the Scottish Highlands.

    So I know I should take more time to look at the Osprey webcam but there are so many other things to do with life and I will take note of the Ospreys as much as I can. 

    So I feel the slight feeling of guilt here but still I love to here what is going on and having a thread like this opens those doors to making me think that I must make a point of spending more time on the Osprey threads


    Kathy and Dave


  • Hi Lindybird,

    That's a lovely piece of writing, I really felt I was with the bird in its big moment.  Well done and thanks for sharing with us.


    There is something new to learn everyday...


  • Thanks, everyone.

    I have always liked Birds of Prey especially, but these birds have opened our eyes to their private lives now that we can watch their everyday goings on, on the webcam. Even such a strong and fearsome bird has a life that hangs by a thread almost every day, & the parents do wonderful things to ensure the survival of their tiny offspring.  It has moved me beyond measurement.

  • Beautiful Lindybird.

    Watching  Marge in particular,has been such a tear jerker for me and so many others this year and an experience none of us will forget.



    An optimist sees the beauty of the complete rose.A pessimist sees only the thorn .

  • As always Linda, thanks for a fabulous poem. You captured the scene beautifully and so full of emotion. If I may say so, this must be one of your best. Thank you.

  • Lindybird - this is so beautiful - surpasses all your previous poems - and they have been good.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Lindybird - absolutely brilliant - your best yet! I found it very moving.

    Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!

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