More problems uploading photos

I noticed that Noisette couldn't upload photos.

I've tried and get the same error message even with the tiniest file.

I'd upload the screenshot but I can't. Please MrsT or one of the other Mods crack the whip with the web team. This is getting beyond a joke.



My Flickr Photostream 

  • Hello,

    This is your update for the evening which I will also post on the sticky thread.

    Our IS team plan to implement a job which will go on from 8pm this evening till 9am tomorrow.

    This may slow the performance of the community and the whole website, especially on pages with lots of images (as that is what the fix applies to).

    There is a chance you won't notice any change in website performance but if you do this is why.

    We will let you know tomorrow if the fix has been successful.



  • Thanks Maurice!

    I am not in the office tomorrow as I am representing the RSPB at the Spring Country Fair in London talking about what people can do in their gardens to help wildlife but Claire is in and I will be back Friday so hopefully things have come on since then!

    If anyone is interested in coming to the Spring Fair here are some details:

    Kind Regards,


  • Thank you for the update Maurice, fingers crossed that all goes well with the fix, good luck and thanks again for the update.  


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Thanks Maurice, all we've been asking for is to be kept informed. It's the "Sound of Silence" that is frustrating. I nearly broke into song there. LOL



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • Hi Bob,

    As Ben is on leave today, please allow me to answer your questions.

    1) At present it is up to the moderators to identify technical issues raised in posts on the various Forums, as far as I recall. If this is so , what hours do moderators cover the forums, please?

    OK. As you are no doubt aware, our moderating duties are only one aspect of our day to day jobs. There are 3 moderators. For us to carry out our other tasks, it makes most practical and most financial sense (bearing in mind we are a charity) for us to work 0900 to 1715. However, we are often present out of hours as well. There are no set defined times for this, as I am sure you can appreciate that we moderators have families too and also need time to relax. Moderators are present on the site over the Christmas and New Year.

    2) What about technical staff - I assume that the tech people and/or webteam work 9-5 or thereabouts. Is that correct? What level of support is there out of hours?

    I think it safe to say that this has the same answer. As you can see from the work carried out overnite and from some of Frankie's late night postings not so long ago, the tech/web team (also a small team) do work out of hours as well and like the moderating team this does vary and cannot be set in stone.


  • Just tested a photo upload.

    Looks like they might have fixed the problem. Fingers crossed.



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • Thanks TJ, it may still be intermittent in places, but we're getting there :) More work is likely to be carried out.

  • Many Thanks Mrs T for the answers to Bob questions, it now tells a bit more what happens and gives us an understanding when there is cover by the Tech team and the Mods. I think we all do bear in mind that it is a charity. and we do Know that you all work hard. As per my phone call yesterday we feel that as your customers we should be kept better informed. Which we are now beginning to see.

    Many thanks to all for your help.

    "Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

    Magnus Ullman

    My Flickr account is here

  • Thanks for answering that on my behalf Claire, Bob sorry to not answer you directly but I hope that has helped. I am just quickly checking in before getting the train to London for the Spring Fair! Hope everyone has a good day! Am going to try and upload an image as a test now....