More problems uploading photos

I noticed that Noisette couldn't upload photos.

I've tried and get the same error message even with the tiniest file.

I'd upload the screenshot but I can't. Please MrsT or one of the other Mods crack the whip with the web team. This is getting beyond a joke.



My Flickr Photostream 

  • I'm having trouble uploading on Chrome too even though they are less tha 2MB   :(    will clear the cache again and see if that works.  


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Well, I did get the images on but the 1st three I did with publisher and jpegged have now gone to the small square image symbol but the other photos were uploading in a rather erratic fashion, sometimes you could upload only 3 without getting error message (I was using Chrome) and then the last ones went on without problem.     At the moment it just isn't worth the time, frustration or hassle and I am a patient person ......normally  lol


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Ok folks, I can understand your frustrations. The work done overnite was the first step of many planned. I did explain, as was explained to me that the problem might still be intermittent. If you try to upload an image and receive the error, come out of the upload pop-up and try again.  

  • Thanks Mrs. T,  I really appreciate all you are trying to do but to be honest, I think I will bide my time and wait to see if the techs/software company can fix these recurring problems once and for all before I try uploading again, its not as if it is one error which keeps going out of kilter and it seems to demand I keep clearing my browser cache each time.   It could be months before I see you all again with any photos  lol  


    Regards, Hazel 

  • OK, Alan. Cannot blame a girl for trying. I am chasing an update on when the next work is scheduled even as I type.

  • Hopefully it won't be that long HAZY!

  • Bob,

    I could easily post the information that is sent/relayed to us, if you are referring to me as a non-technical person, but I understand that not everyone on this site is technically minded, so i keep the information brief but to the point, but in no way dumbing down what needs to be said. Please note that the 'tech' people you refer to also have a full time job and the Communities is also one aspect of their day-to-day job.

  • I must say even though I don't have any sort of camera, I've got no idea how to download a photograph on this forum or on the Internet. I have to admit I'm not very technical at all and I only understand the basics of using a computer, IPad and also using the Internet.



  • If you would like THOMO remind me, when all this has settled down (and it will) and I will gladly give you a crash course on how to upload pictures :)

  • Thanks Claire, as I think that's your first name. I'm actually off to Saltholme on Saturday with a field trip with my RSPB Local Group from Newcastle Upon Tyne and although I hav'nt got any sort of camera, I will give a report about my visit after I return.

