I am so discouraged

The laboriousness in posting viewable snaps has nearly finished me off.

I now find that drag-n-dropped snaps are being resized down so that detail cannot be discerned without clicking to enlarge.  When covering a long and/or active period, and wishing to substantiate one's reports with snaps, it is now necessary to resize (say to 550 or 600px) and upload snaps individually, blanking out the default size each time.

Covering a long period can take (me) hours, without the extra time now involved in blasted clicking and highlighting and backspacing and oh! sod it all !!!

Can we really not be governed by a restriction on "weight" rather than size?

  • I agree, those of us that like me, that don't live close to "a whatever it needs" have to wait ages to see a photo that's bigger than 1Mb. Some forumites posts I don't even bother to open the thread as I know I haven't the time for the photos to load! Limit to 1Mb but have full screen viewing as standard.

    Best wishes

    Hazel in Southwest France