Text Styling Update

As previously promised, we've been listening to the feedback in the various forums and have just released some changes that will hopefully address the concerns some of you have had about the legibility of the text.

With the main update in November, we brought the styling of the text in line with the main RSPB site, but several people commented that it wasn't easy enough to read. We made some initial changes to make the text both larger and darker than we use on the main site but there were further requests to use a 'heavier' font, so we've now updated the community to use just that - it's now using a bolder version of the same font we use on the main site.

Several other changes have been made to make the text as legible and usable as possible throughout the community area, such as improving some of the text colouring and reducing the leading (ie. the space between lines) to fit more text into a screen view, while keeping it comfortable enough to read easily.

Please do reply to this thread with feedback... everyone is different and different browsers and devices display text significantly different in some cases, but we hope that this resolves the issues some of you have been having.

Please let us know!



  • Font size & colour good. Still far too much white space.

  • "Hi TeeJay,

    It’s definitely on our list. We’ll keep you posted once we find the best solution.

    Thank You."

    The script looks great to me, almost had to put my sunglasses on it was such a shock. Eyes have settled down today though.

    Next on my list would be able to read the posts from the top of the page down, without having to start at the beginning every time. This is essential if we're to carry on with moth, butterfly & insect threads that only get renewed once a year. This upside down page is driving me mad. At the moment I have to scroll all the way down, then scroll up & read down! The old forum system was fine with page numbers so you could go to latest post & then click a page or 2 back to catch up on missed posts.

    Best wishes

    Hazel in Southwest France

  • Next on my list would be able to read the posts from the top of the page down, without having to start at the beginning every time.
    This upside down page is driving me mad. At the moment I have to scroll all the way down, then scroll up & read down! The old forum system was fine with page numbers so you could go to latest post & then click a page or 2 back to catch up on missed posts.

    Totally agree with you Hazel, 100%, it is a real pain.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Hi TeeJay,

    It’s definitely on our list. We’ll keep you posted once we find the best solution.

    Thank You.

    =============END OF QUOTE=============

    (Obviously I missed including something, it hasn't come out shaded.)


    This is not a reproach, but it was a handy example of a time-consuming nuisance, in that, because you didn't quote TeeJay's post I had to click on View More to find it and find out what was "definitely on our list". 

    The View More feature is going to be an awful bind when "we" (we know who we are) are in full swing come March.

    THREADS "must" be:



    - and have a link to Last Post in the title in the thread list, so it can be accessed at start or end.


    I'm very much engaged with monitoring an eagle cam so am not keeping up here daily, but as soon as I logged on yesterday I was impressed with the new font - thank you, IT Bods!

  • The View More feature is going to be an awful bind when "we" (we know who we are) are in full swing come March.

    THREADS "must" be:



    Yes Scylla, as I said in my last post, totally agree. Seems we are not the only ones wanting this.

    Edit. same must have happened to me, not shaded!

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Just popped in to take a look at the new improvements so far and have to say I am very impressed with the bolder Text appearance, it is so much easier to read and links stand out; thanks for listening and for the ongoing improvements, makes a world of difference to the enjoyment of reading/posting. Now off to check out the other updates :) with a spring in my step !


    Regards, Hazel