Hi there
I cannot wait until May next year where we are sailing once more, and meeting the contacts we have been in contact over the years.
The holidays are fabulous and I cannot wait to get a dose of the yelloe stuff to take the winder blues away.
Another report will be added here and all my other bird forums as always
Cannot wait now
Hmmm wonder many UK Reserve trips will be have completed by then - quite a lot by then me thinks
Kathy and Dave
Hi everyone
Well I am back in the UK once more and really enjoyed myself. I hope that everyone is keeping well here - will read everyones updates soon enough.
Eeeek..... new RSPB Forum and new set up - I like what I see as it looks very professional now.
Sadly the boat races where left for another year. We have decided to go for a racier boat next year as it is better in lighter winds. The RS200/RS400 dinghies are the next level up from the Laser 2000 - so we move onward and upward.
Great to meet good friends from last year and have a few more e-mail addresses to add to our cyber friends. We have lots to talk about in the sailing front and will meet up in the UK no doubt in the coming months.
Must get clued up on the new set up now
Welcome back Kathy and Dave i am pleased that you had such a good holiday i'm off to france myself in two weeks can't wait :-)
Well welcome back to bedlam !!! most of the members including myself are really struggling with the new site I agree it looks professional but its not as user friendly as before :-( ...I'll leave you to judge for your self lol
Great to have you back though and i lo forward to your report ...thats if you can manage to post your photos lol
Regards Kimbo
Feeling More Positive :-)
Blackbird,welcome back to the madhouse,now you can get on with the more serious game of birding and not worry about boats lol.Be interested to hear what you,as a regular user ,make of the new setup.
Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can
Hi Kathy and Dave, welcome back and glad to hear you had a great holiday . This new set up is taking some getting used to for me and I'm afraid I am not enjoying it very much at the moment ( not a great wizz on the old cyber mallarky)
Anyway i'll stick with it for now and look forward to your pictures Etc.
Best wishes.
Feed The Birds....not the cats!!!!
I know....my spelling's crap !!
Will answer everyone more fully tomorrow
Just trying to download a photo at the moment
A photo from last year - great to download one here in new setup.
Need to go through all of my photos tomorrow as really tired at the moment
Hi Kim
Thank you for your kind reply to my thread.
The holiday was fabulous and I cannot wait until we go next year too...and we will learn to operate a sportier boat for the Regatta races.
I will start to type my report Monday when Dave goes to work as we have a lot to do this weekend. Photos seem fine at the moment to download on here.
Dave and i have discussed a Spanish bird watching trip later this year and that is what we will do through our birding contacts.
Glad to be talking to yourself too, and everyone here as always.
hi Seaman
Hi there to yourself. Love the sailing too - hooked on both hobbies.
Great to meet people in the real world of sailing and birding, who take me and Dave on our merits and they know who we are, and that is the best way of finding out the type of people we are. We are are honest, decent hardworking types of people. That is a fact that will never be changed.
I will give my opinion on the new software, and I have made notes of the dreaded PM system {does not suit this fourm set-up] Me no likey!!!
Hi Robbo
Thank you for your welcome as people have been kind to do so here. Hope all is well with you too.
The new set up is strange as it is and I prefer the comments to be seen by all and sundry - best way forward {and not 20 steps backwards in my case - so not needed}
I will try to get used to it and I will see how my report pans out.
There are other Menorca fans on my other forums who love Menorca too, and wow we where treated to a few new ticks for our list this year alone.
So pleased at this outcome
Hello Kathy,
To increase text press the ctrl and+,to go back to normal text,it is ctrl and-. If |I were you sit down and study it. It looks frightening at first,even I am working around it. Have picked up tips from the others on the community and have written them down.
Best wishes
Nicki C said:Me no likey!!!
You are not alone on that Blackbird,nice that you can enjoy both interests,one on my other interests is guitar playing and that does not mix with birding