Wildlife on the Gironde estuary - Our first garden Snipe

As my old thread is still locked up I thought I'd start & new one. New home, new thread, new forum!!

Since moving in we've been really busy but here are a few photos taken along the way, these are a pair of Gland weevils, up to something naughty on the moth trap,

a Shield bug (for Rockwolf, where is she?) ,Pantilus tunicatus,

A flight of storks passing over on migration, someone asked me once, how do you know a bird is on migration "Does it have it's suitcase with it?" & they are quite right, most of the time it's circumstantial evidence,

& a local stork flying around,

meanwhile, whilst insulating the roof space I found this perfectly dried Garden dormouse (male!) which obviously died a horrible death from poisoning,

a Robin on the overhead cable, they don't come too close;

This is it's & our view of the estuary marshes,

A spider visiting the moth trap, Hogna radiata,

A burying beetle, Necrodes littoralis, also around the moth-trap

& a hornet, who wasn't agressive fortunately,

a Migrant Hawker on the marshes,

some Great White Egrets,

Cattle Egrets (probably), sitting on the fence,

& finally another Spider around the moth trap, Xysticus sp,

I'll try & finish this update later. Thanks for looking.

Best wishes

Hazel in Southwest France

  • Well done H for getting some recognisable pics, I've not had any luck so far!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Must have been wonderful to watch the Gold and Firecrests and as you say, they never keep still for a second so well done on the pics.    Such pretty, dainty little birds and it looks to have been a good season for their numbers as we've had huge numbers of Goldcrests heading into UK.   Like your blue sky too as its been blowing a hooley here today  lol     Looks better tomorrow so methinks I'll be in search of that Short-eared Owl again   lol  


    Regards, Hazel 

  • I wish it was like that here today, I'm afraid I took these at the end of last week & then didn't get around to loading them up. It's beeen wet all day & looks like staying wet until Saturday at least, when it's going to get cold.

    I'm glad you enjoyed them.

    Best wishes

    Hazel in Southwest France

  • Last Sunday was a lovely day & so we went for a run in the camper up the estuary. There were a lot of birds around but not really within photographing distance. We stopped to eat our sandwiches at the lagoons at Mortagne, one of my favourite spots before we moved. I was just tucking into mine when I realised that there was a lot of activity in the bush closest to the camper. So I slowly slid the window open & got snapping,

    Firstly the Wren, there were 2 so not sure which was which,

    then they came back a few minutes later

    There were a lot of Reed Buntings coming & going, this is an adult,

    & then I think this is a 1st year Reed Bunting

    It went off & either it or a close friend came back later,

    & another adult came along too

    a Greenfinch came by, but didn't stop & this Robin was in & out all the time, on the post

    in the bush

    & on another post

    a Blue Tit passed through

    & then I ate my lunch!!

    Afterwards we went up to Meschers to look for the Ring-billed Gull, but maybe it hasn't arrived yet. Anyway we had these little Turnstones poking around on the slip.

    & then we went home! It was alovely sunny day & we made the most of it. Great!

    Thanks for looking.

    Best wishes

    Hazel in Southwest France

  • Such lovely company you had for your al fresco lunch H, thanks for sharing your delightful pics!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Lovely set of photos, Hazel. You certainly picked the right place to stop for lunch.

    My bird photos HERE

  • How nice to be able to share your picnic stop with these delightful little birds. Lovely pics. Turnstones are always good value as they are quite confiding.

    I expect that the sun has still got some warmth in it when it shines being that bit further south than the UK. Not cold here but very grey and damp.



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • Thanks all. We didn't venture to sit outside with lunch but afterwards we had a nice walk around for an hour & the sun was lovely & warm. It disappeared the next day & it looks like being dull & drizzly for a while.

    We've not seen the turnstones there often so they were interesting & as you say TJ quite tame.

    Best wishes

    Hazel in Southwest France

  • Lovely pics Hazel, I do like the wren, very clear photos, and the reed bunting, smashing.   Looks like you had a good lunch stop, in the sun too.

    Lot to learn

  • Great photos and beautiful birds Hazel,  that's what I call a good picnic stop  lol    


    Regards, Hazel