Costa Rica part 1 - Birds of Prey

I've got so many pics from a recent two week KE "Walking and Wildlife" holiday that I'm going to put the better ones up in sections, starting with nice, big, easily identifiable birds! Please forgive some slightly poor ones, I was just getting used to the new camera and lens and many pics were taken at dawn and dusk in very dodgy light, or alternatively in the dark of the rainforest...

American Swallow-tailed Kite

American Kestrel

Black Vulture

Crested Caracara

Mangrove Black Hawk

Turkey Vulture

Roadside Hawk

Yellow-headed Caracara

As yet unidentified immature hawk that sat just above my head for a while!

There were a few others, but the pics are really poor long-range ID shots, I'll name them in a trip report when I finally get round to writing one...

"Let loose the Kraken!"