A few years ago I bought my first window feeder for a second floor window and treated my birds to some live mealworms to encourage them to use it, which of course they loved. I see mainly see tits, blackcaps, robins and sparrows.
Down in the garden on the other side of the house there are suet, peanut and sunflower heart feeders and various bits in a caged feeder on the ground for the blackbirds, etc.
Basically, my window feeder has created a spoiled generation of birds used to their live mealworms all year round and they look horrified if I fill it with a mix of sunflower hearts and kibbled peanuts.
I’d like a break from touching mealworms, for financial and obvious reasons. So my silly question is: What is your food of choice in your window feeder and who do you see using it? If it’s seeds, do they use it in addition to hanging feeders, or have you had to put something different in the window feeder to encourage them?
Thanks for any replies and happy birdwatching!
I used to use an RSPB coiled spring window feeder decades ago- Now I just put feeders about 6 feet from the window on a tree
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We use a sunflower heart chips, peanut, suet pellet mix from https://www.gardenwildlifedirect.co.uk/sunflower-heart-chips-peanut-granules-suet-pellets.html
(other sources are available)
We get Great, Blue & Coal Tits, Chaffinch, Robin ......
i only got a window feeder about 6 weeks ago and it took them a little while to come , i was hoping to give the smaller birds a better chance when the big birds are in which has mostly worked apart from the occasional brave starling and once or twice seen the Jay hanging off it lol when I didn’t have enough nuts in the other feeder they use aha. I put split peanuts and some suet pellets in with a few black sunflower seeds. If i put too many suet pellets or even one mealworm the starlings would catch on and empty it completely the little pickles! Generally it’s the blue and great tits that are using it though . Will try to attach a still of the video I caught of the cheeky Jay .. oh yes I have also added a flutter butter feeder for windows above it which luckily I’ve only seen the tits eating from as gave up with the other flutter feeder I had as ..you guessed it ..starlings! it was gone in a day! I have come to surrender, accept and love and appreciate them (the starlings) now despite them being greedy gannets and costing me triple , just need to make sure the others get a look in too . Happy Birding
Thanks for your reply! I think I have a similar video somewhere of a jay on the feeder and a jackdaw family were trying their best taking turns to ‘cling, grab some food and fly off’ last summer!
I’ve never had a problem with starlings here (Weston-super-Mare), I don’t think they’ve ever made an appearance (all down at the beach, lurking by the cafes). Lots of pigeons though, and I have the same attitude of “oh, go on then, here’s some seed for you too” as long as they keep their numbers down! I’ve only ever seen a couple of desperate ones trying to cling to my window feeder.
I’d love to change the window feeder to seeds, but the birds just fling one aside and fly off. Not a big fan of dried mealworms on the window either as soaking them = a wet mess!
Have a look at this mix Laura, very little mess and I get lots of visitors, no Jays though
https://www.gardenwildlifedirect.co.uk/sunflower-heart-chips-peanut-granules-suet-pellets.html (yet)
PS other suppliers are available
Looks good to me - I use that website a lot and was thinking of mixing kibbled nuts, suet pellets and sunflower hearts anyway. I think they’ll cherry pick their favourites, but who doesn’t?!
We get the occasional jay all year, but usually one or two staying for a month or so in the spring/summer (hopefully feeding their chicks). Great birds!
That mix gets cleared by my lot Laura