House Sparrow disappeared

I used to have a sweet house sparrow female visiting my bird feeders every day. She was happily feeding right next to me, when I went out to the garden and it became just a daily thing. Interestingly she usually showed up at the same time as starlings without any other sparrow in sight. I felt bad for her, as back in a day, I only ever saw house sparrows in large flocks and there she was- one lonely girl. 

One day, about 3 weeks ago, she just disappeared :( I hope she didn't fall victim to local cats, found herself a sparrow family and is OK! 

Funny how you can get attached to a single wild bird! 

  • We do get attached to them, don't we. I am the same with a Robin. Rocky Robin, he has ben named. He will fly to the garage door as soon as it is up, comes into the garage for a while. I feed him suet pieces from a wee pot. Over a few weeks he got used to the noise of the suet in the pot, and my voice, came closer and closer to feed, then would fly to the pot and take a piece, now he will sit in my hand and have a couple of pieces, he is very cheeky. I say he, as I have never heard him make any noise. Amazing how they become so trusting to humans. I hope your wee sparrow has found a new family, you never know, he may come back in the Spring.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • My robin seems to be too pre-occupied chasing away other robins! Seems like I'm in a middle of robin war zone! At times I see 3-4 chasing each other!

  • She's back :) with a male companion this time. She was busy hunting her man obviously