Hi folks
I know I'm a regular poster on this fab forum, but I'm still quite new to this bird watching and have so much to learn.
During the cold weather I left most things out for the birds and was rewarded by loads of visitors- my favourite being the LTTs.
Now it's warmer I seem to get less visitors and the peanuts and fat/suet don't seem to be going.
The Blackbirds are regular visitors and I am preparing for some BB fledglings soon.
What is the best thing to leave out for them? Mealworms? I'm not sure what these are or where to get them.
Any advice gratefully received.
Pipit x
hi Torchilus: Exactly birds tell us what they want, and try to confuse us at times with their requirements. I would have thought that Fat was a winter food for the birds reserves, and not a summer food but there you go.
TJ: I have to say that the Starlings are devouring all the Fat they can here, and ate one Fat coconut and 3 Fat balls in one morning eek! So what do I do now?
They are Fat Fiends here at the moment...I am having visions of a lot of fat little birds.
Kathy and Dave
Unknown said: Where do you get your fat blocks please? I'm not sure if I could hack handling live mealworms but I suppose I should ask where you get those from too. I got the last lot of fat block treats from the RSPB. They do a value pack of twelve but it's still quite expensive especially at the rate they are being demolished. In the past I've bought them from GardenBirds.com. I got the mealworms from Worms Direct - a very good next day service. I bought a tub and they were in very good condition. I just add a some fruit like bits of apple or banana skin which gives them the moisture they need to keep them going. Regards TJ [/quote] Really interesting this. Question: What came first, the starling or the fat block? I don't get starlings, so if I start putting out fat blocks do you think they will come? Mind you I had fat balls and suet out til quite recently and still got none. I'll try fat blocks and mealworms, then, on my discerning finches, tits, blackbirds, dunnocks and robins. Worms Direct. What a fab name for a business! Pipit x
Where do you get your fat blocks please? I'm not sure if I could hack handling live mealworms but I suppose I should ask where you get those from too.
I got the last lot of fat block treats from the RSPB. They do a value pack of twelve but it's still quite expensive especially at the rate they are being demolished. In the past I've bought them from GardenBirds.com.
I got the mealworms from Worms Direct - a very good next day service. I bought a tub and they were in very good condition. I just add a some fruit like bits of apple or banana skin which gives them the moisture they need to keep them going.
Regards TJ
Really interesting this.
Question: What came first, the starling or the fat block?
I don't get starlings, so if I start putting out fat blocks do you think they will come? Mind you I had fat balls and suet out til quite recently and still got none.
I'll try fat blocks and mealworms, then, on my discerning finches, tits, blackbirds, dunnocks and robins.
Worms Direct. What a fab name for a business!
It is funny because we have fat balls all over the garden,along with sunflower hearts etc etc,they all last litterally a day or so......When we had the hail storm and the heavens opened big time over the weekend..the fat balls went to yucky mush..and I have posted picks of my starling babes..they just love it .....how gross eh.......
SUE and LUCKY..just call me Mrs Early Bird.....x
Our house operate's soley for our animals and birds......Love me love my animals........
Hi Blackbird
The fatballs and the seeds and the nuts and the assorted feeders are all part of a trial area, where we try out different foods, feeders, squirrel baffles etc before we add them to our product list. We are quite lucky in that our resident birds seem to be less fussy than the average - could this be because they never know what foods are coming their way next, or because they like a varied diet, I wonder - regardless, willing guineapigs do make the job a little bit easier.
Hi Pipit,
I started feeding garden birds last spring and since then I have increased my variety to suit a wide section of birds. The suet or suet/fruit pellets are a great hit and if you crumble some of them into smaller pieces, the blue tits and the robin tend to snatch some. Dried mealworms are always a big hit with all of them as with sunflower hearts. Nyjer is great for the finches. I use a no-mess high energy seed with Golden Chorus golden crumble and Prosecto Insectivorous food for small songbirds. The latter two I get from Haiths. RSPB's suit pellets with mealworms is their all time favourite and they love the suit coated sunflower hearts, but these are rather expensive for continual feeding so I give them as occasional treats. Our Mr & Mrs Chaffinch love most of the items mentioned.
Birds of a feather, eh? I was constantly supplying birds with an abundance of fresh food and water during the winter freeze and even rotated the fat balls because they would harden very quickly. It was lovely to see my efforts pay off. I even had a Redwing at the time and thought I saw a Wren nip out of our garden bush for a morsel. It happened so quick that I couldn't properly identify him/her but the erected tail was a good indication!
Best wishes,
Thanks Starlinga
Great advice and I'm so glad you get such a lovely variety of visitors. Long may it continue.
Suet coated sunflower hearts?? Hmmm. I think I'll stick to Maltesers (for me, not the birds!!!!)
Pipit :)
It was the dreaded Tesco "big" shop this morning. If you thought going round a supermarket with a child is bad, try taking your mother in a wheelchair, especially when she's a shopoholic and wants to buy everything!!! (oh dear, rant rant)
Anyway, armed with all your good advice on what food to get for the birds, I bought a bag of dried mealworms, a bag of suet pellets and a fruit and berry treat fat block.
After unpacking the 52 bags of shopping and putting it all away I put the food out. It took daddy Blackbird about 2 minutes to find the food and mum was close behind him. Here's a few pics of their gourmet tea.
Hmmm, food's improving round here!
Whooah it's a bit tricky getting a foothold here!
Now, if I just reach a bit further........
Success! Now to take some back for the pesky kids
This is wonderful! Love the pics and it won't be long before you get some other visitors to check out the gormet menu! Our lot love the items you have there - I can't keep up with them for they keep eating me out of house and home! Tesco sell the suet coconut holders, which are another big hit with all types of birds - the blue tits especiall and on two occasions hubby and I have seen a large rook land precariously on top of the multi bird stand to eat the suet from the coconut holder! Blinking cheek (lol)!
I know exactly what you mean about the Tesco weekly shop .... it's a pain in the proverbial!
I love the blackbirds, we have a few visitors and one pair produced a chick, but haven't seen the youngest in several days ........... hope nothing has happened to him/her, especially given that some bird-hating neighbour threw rat poison in the street! I'm quite worried that he might have been a casuality!
Best wishes, Starlinga
Hi Pipit
One of the main reasons birds flock to your garden is where you place you feeders. In the winter thay will take the food from anywhere, but during the summer there is so much more choice. The best place is near trees or bushes. They don't like open lawns much as there is not enough cover.
Also I come across this web site about kitchen scraps that can be used, thus saving on bird feed and a great way to use left overs....
Quote: I'm quite worried that he might have been a casuality!
Oh dear Starlinga
I hope your little fledgling is okay. They are so vulnerable especially as they hop around on the ground when they first leave the nest. Cross fingers he hops into view soon.