Kestrels in the Quarry 2013...

The pair showed up on 13th March & were checking out the nest - here's hoping..............

Have posted all I've taken today, unedited, as I'm so excited!!!  They both flew off & now Mr Kestrel has returned to nest & sitting, waiting like a spider in the middle of a web!  Just going to video him













 2013 photos & vids here

eff37 on Flickr

  • Thanks all - no more definite sightings of Mr K but I have twice seen a Kestrel flying over the treeline & disappearing over the airport & fields to hunt - I do miss them!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • I did write an update at 05.30 on last Thursday morning when sat in bed with a four year old hanging on my arm trying to help - I coughed, he sneezed & my carefully composed post disappeared into the ether LOL!!

    I had been to see baby G on the Wednesday taking frozen day-old chicks & Byron who was so excited that he would see the 'Pestrel' (as he used to call them last year!). No new pics as I couldn't handle can as well!  Chick was doing extremely well & taking food through the bars - larger pieces too & ripping at them - had been seriously preening out his baby fluff (it was everywhere) & showing more adult feathers - & had started wingercising!  I'm amazed at how relaxed he looks & acts.  Byron' who is used to running round at home with a young Green Conjure hanging onto his shoulder' immediately asked if I would get George out so he could hold him - how sweet!!  He (Byron) is now trying to understand the difference between wild & pet caged birds & I only had to answer about 500 questions on that subject lol!

    Heard from 'carer' on Friday who said that he was upping the daily food quantity & so picked up a further 50 frozen chicks on Saturday & hope to visit again Monday/Tuesday & this time I will take my cam!

    Also, it transpires that the guy & his wife are going away for a few days shortly so I will have to go there twice a day to feed my baby plus any hodgypigs plus fill the bird feeders so I definitely will be getting more pics/vids then - will be great!!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Won't let me edit easily ....that should say 'Conure'


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Great to hear the youngster is doing so well and appetite increasing !    Sounds as if you are going to be busy Wendy but as you say, great opportunity for some photos ...............I'm watching this space   LOL !   Also hope you are feeling better.


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Hi Wendy it's really good to hear George is doing well, can't wait for photos and videos they'll be brilliant as always! Aw Byron sounds so sweet, I'm glad he's doing well too. Hope you're feeling better!

  • Thank you so much for your latest report Wendy. Excellent news. Look forward to seeing your latest photographs.

  • Great to hear Gorgeous George is thriving. I hope you get some photos when you next visit. Would love to see them.



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • Stirling work from you and the carers, Wendy. Great to hear the little one is thriving :)

  • Wendy, You are definitely a Good Egg!  And what a real life drama you have been through with your Kestrels!  I am with the others in wishing little Kestrel George all the best of luck and look forward to more updates--thanks!

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Keep answering the questions Wendy, they say it keeps you young!!!

    Keep up the good work with youngster G what a brilliant job you have done there as everyone has said.   PS also jealous of you feeding the hodgypigs, we have one back in the garden but he/she comes and eats and vanishes in the dark and I don't get to see him too much.

    Lot to learn