Down by the ... well, different river

No, this isn't PB's river, but one close to me. These are from several days ago, when it was actually fairly bright one morning. I went down to a local park where the river flows through a small gorge. I was looking for this ...


Obviously, I found it Slight smile Well, a pair actually, as you can just about make out in this shot. 

There are actually a few places near me that have them but the reason I prefer to get them here is that you can get down level with as long as you've got your wellies on! You tend to always be looking down on the others near me or they just aren't as reliable. However this pair range up and down the river and this is the only spot you can get reasonably close so you're not guaranteed a good showing.

It's a bit of a lottery trying to predict where one will pop up but it keeps me amused

Twenty yards behind them, round the corner, the sun was on the river. Sadly, they remained firmly in the shade where I was struggling for exposure. I'm sure they have a Whatsapp group to organise this!!

However, they're still a joy watch, and great to have so close to home, although I'd wager most visitors to the park don't even know they are down there as they are out of sight from the grass areas ... and surprisingly difficult to spot sometimes even when you do know!


One of these days, I WILL get a Dipper with the sun on it!!

There wasn't much else going on in the park, but oddly, on the lodges, things like Pochard, that normally run a mile when they see you, actually come to have their photograph taken. I have no idea why they seem so much more photographer-friendly but it happens every year.


Nige   Flickr