Incoming ! lol

Talk about being buzzed   !!  

 Was  just having a relaxing walk along the upper bank at Woolston Eyes when suddenly the cry of a Common Buzzard brought this right over my head.   It was ridiculous as it circled so close .......... I didn't have to crop some of these as it filled the frame lol       It was very hard to keep focused even though I switched to tracking as too often it was directly above and I was almost falling backwards to capture it on camera.      The sky was so mixed, so blue in some areas and grey cloud in others.     I tried to get it with blue background but they can certainly move when you are trying to follow their flight .........

This would have been my best shot if I hadn't missed the top of its wing off frame   !!!!      I was already tilting backwards and in danger of falling over lol

Could somebody please tell me if this is a juvenile ? ....... it was sort of acting like a kid as it soared round and round and mewed constantly     lol  

grey cloud again   .................

you can see how low it came over the smaller trees and gave a real close up flying display -   it was awesome  !!     .........


Regards, Hazel