• Marsh or Hen

    Actually at the momnt at Ynys-hir we have both. In the skies over the wet grassland and peat bog visitors have enjoyed watching a pair of marsh harriers and also hen harriers filling theair. There is still a nice mis of ducks and waders too onj the p...
  • Ynys-hir November highlights

    The season has definately turned with the firts two frosts of the year this last week seeing a white covering over the fields and slatmarsh and most of the trees have given up their leaves.  There are has been some great days to get out on the r...
  • New Year

    A week since the new year began and during 2020 we are celebrating 50 years of wildlife conservation at RSPB Ynys-hir. Yes, it is just over half a centuary since talks, negotiations and then fund raising enabled the RSPB to purchase Ynys-hir and add ...
  • December on the Dyfi

    Every month the team at Ynys-hir do a WEBS (Wetland Bird Survey) on the reserve on one of the high tides. On Monday moring the team wrapped up and headed out, after a visit on Saturday from Iolo Williams confirming that the smew was still around, thi...
  • Hot sunny days flashes of blue

    Over the August Bank Holiday weekend whilst the beaches where heaving with visitors the paths through the woods at RSPB Ynys-hir provided welcome shade, as did the hides. Looking over the river from Domenlas and Saltings hides visitors were able to e...
  • Not just things with wings...

    The recent hot weather has meant that a lot of our ditches and small ponds are either very low in water or no water at all. Pond dipping is definitely off the menu at present! However there is still lots of wildlife around. Recent sightings in the la...
  • More Arrivals

    The weather is still being kind to us in Md Wales. In the last few days spotted flycatcher has added itslf to late srpring arrivals for the reserve. Daily sightings now of species associated with western Atlantic oakwoods - pied flycatcer, redstart, ...
  • Great white egret

    For the last two days we have had the pleasure of watching a Great white egret in the pools in front of the visitor centre at RSPB Ynys-hir. Caught on camera by John Davis. Also osprey over these pools yesterday and the first redstart singing in the ...
  • Snow and other arrivals

    Winter couldn't quite let go and the hills around the reserve were all covered in snow this morning. The cold temperatures didn't put off some of the spring arrivals and thel ist is increasing everyday. Latest sightings for the reserve include swallo...
  • Spring is here..

    Bluebells in March, the woods have been covered in the emerging shoots of bluebells for some time now but seeing a few bursting into flower last week was one of the earliest sightings of these evocative species. Other spring flowers out now to be enj...
  • Winter birds

    The last week the team did themonthly WEBS count and our interns have been out and about weather depending. Currently onsite regulary seeing large flocks of teal, wigeon, lapwing and golden plover. Shovelar, black tailed godwit plus occasional visit ...
  • Winter Birds RSPB Ynys-hir December 2018

    The wetlands are alive with activity, large numbers of wildfowl and waders have made their journey south from Northern Europe, the freezing temperatures there forcing them south for the winter. Good numbers of Teal, Wigeon and Mallard are joined by P...
  • September 2018

    In the last week with very high tides here are some of the sightings for the reserve, Balck tailed godwit - 15 Barnacle geese 217 Curlew 254 Oystercatcher 73 Teal 367 Little grebe 3 Goosander4 Dunlin 21 Common Sandpiper 4 ...
  • Early morning at Marian Mawr

    Russell was out and about on the reserve early tis morning, checking the pools at Marian Mawr. Not a bad list..1 wood sandpiper, 3 ruff, 2 Little plover, 1 black tailed godwit, oystercatcher plus chicks, at least 10 redshank and chicks, lots of lapwing...
  • The reserve in June

    A short walk to the Marian Mawr hide and a stroll on the Foel Fawr coastal path at RSPB Ynys-hir on Saturday 23 rd June produced 69 species of birds with the highlights being whinchat, tree pipit, bullfinch and a late cuckoo on the Foel and lapwings with...
  • Wonderful Wood warblers

    In the last week the woods have really began to sing with the sound of wood warblers - very heart warming for the winter Interns - Phil and Darran and our regular Tuesday Volunteers who spent many hours well, days even, out in the woods clearing the bramble...
  • RSPB Ynys-hir Spring arrivals and sightings

    It's that time of year when birds leave us and birds arrive, everything getting ready for the breeding season, so here are some highlights from the last week or two? Arrivals, chiff chaff here by the end of March, lesser spotted woodpeckers out...