In the last week the woods have really began to sing with the sound of wood warblers - very heart warming for the winter Interns - Phil and Darran and our regular Tuesday Volunteers who spent many hours well, days even, out in the woods clearing the bramble and opening up patches of the wood, ready for these spring migrants who in the last couple of years had seemed to diminish in numbers. The hard work has seemed to pay off as every time I set foot into Coed Penrhyn Mawr the air is full of their distinct sound.
Also plenty of Pied flycatchers in the woods have been seen this last week, red starts seem to be a little harder to find so far this year - help us out by visiting the reserve and having a look.
Orange tip butterflies were out enjoying the warmer sunnier weather earlier in the week.
Naomi has started the nest box survey so will be able to report back on that soon.
This coming Bank Holiday a must see, is the woods, the show of bluebells and other spring flowers such as wood sorrel and wood anemone is stunning.