• Razorbill news!

    The 20 day old Razorbill chick Cymro left the nest site late last Wednesday evening under the cover of dark. Our dedicated volunteer Mo had been watching the live web cam that evening in anticipation of the young razorbill’s departure – and sure enough at about 9:50pm it made its way out from the safety of the rock crevice and out into the open! From that we are hopeful that it made its decent down the cliff face and…
  • Congratulations Mr and Mrs Razorbill!

    Hi Folks,

    After what seems like forever, the stars of our webcam, Mr and Mrs Razorbill, have had their chick hatch!  Local Volunteer Mo reported that the chick hatched at 9.30pm Wednesday 9th June.  We are glad to say the chick is doing extremely well and the parents are doing a fantastic job of keeping it warm and well fed, you can see all the activity at  http://www.rspb.org.uk/reserves/guide/s/southstackcliffs/webcam.…

  • New Month, New Cafe, New Chicks! Hurrah!

    Hurrah!  It's June!  The blazing sunshine continues here at South Stack Cliffs, and we are all out, Man and Beast, enjoying the glorious weather :-)  The only brilliant difference this month is that basking and nature-watching in the sun can now be happily accompanied by a cool drink, tasty snack, or perhaps an ice cream from our new Cafe!  What better! 

    If you haven't popped over yet to sample the fare, do pay us a visit…

  • Spring is blooming marvelous

    Wow! What an amazing week we are having here at South Stack! There definitely seems to be a baby boom going on as one of our trusted volunteers, Dave Street, has said he’s seen plenty of Linnets and Stonechats all feeding their young this morning, what a sight that must have been!
    We have plenty of breeding birds about and many have decided to join Mr and Mrs Razorbill in laying their eggs, I’m so excited to…
  • Eggciting News

    After watching their antics on our webcam over the past few weeks (and often viewing an empty screen) we can now finally report that the stars of our live Internet feed Mr and Mrs razorbills are well on their way to parenthood as Mrs razorbill has now laid her egg.
    We will now be waiting in anticipation for their egg to hatch.
    You can watch the razorbills for yourself from the comfort of your own home by visiting our…
  • Some good news and some great news about South Stack Cafe!

    RSPB Cymru is delighted to announce we have taken over the ownership of the South Stack Kitchen Café!  This is something we have been very keen to do for about 20 years now and so we are very happy to finally get this opportunity to provide a Café worthy of its place in this wonderful landscape!
    After being told in March we had some money available and as little as 3 weeks to purchase the Café, lots of…
  • Sunny spring!

    With this glorious weather South Stack has begun to show us its brilliant colours, smells and sights! Squill, sea pink and scurvy grass to name but a few are out on show as you walk along the path, and the Gorse is in bloom with its wonderful coconut scent. As you look you may be lucky and spot a common lizard or an adder basking in the sun!

    The birds here at South Stack have also been very active with this sunny spell…

  • They're back!

    Hello all!

    After a quiet few days here at South Stack with the birds out at sea, i'ts nice to see this morning that they are back!  The Guillemots and Razorbills have returned in their thousands and we've even spotted a few puffins!  Isn't it amazing how they all come back at once? 

    The fantastic sunshine seems to be encouraging all the wildlife!  As well as the spectacular return of the seabirds, we have had…

  • The sun is shining over South Stack!

    Hi folks,

    What a fantastic day here at South Stack.  Ellin's Tower Visitor Centre opened its doors for the first day of the season today, and what a day it has been!  Its almost as if the wildlife knew we were opening today and put on a fabulous show for us.  We have seen thousands of Razorbills and Guillemots on the cliff ledges along with lots of different gulls (even a few greater black backed gulls.)  Chough have…