Hello all!

After a quiet few days here at South Stack with the birds out at sea, i'ts nice to see this morning that they are back!  The Guillemots and Razorbills have returned in their thousands and we've even spotted a few puffins!  Isn't it amazing how they all come back at once? 

The fantastic sunshine seems to be encouraging all the wildlife!  As well as the spectacular return of the seabirds, we have had a very active seal hanging around over the last week or so, and I was even lucky enough to spot plenty of lizards, a few adders and even a grass snake!  Exciting Stuff!  

The sun is also doing wonders for the wildflower display here, the heath is now a wonderful array of yellow, purple and white, with the Gorse and Dog Violet doing very well at the minute!

Thats all for now folks,  hope to see you all in Ellins Tower soon!

Hayley :D