Hi folks,

What a fantastic day here at South Stack.  Ellin's Tower Visitor Centre opened its doors for the first day of the season today, and what a day it has been!  Its almost as if the wildlife knew we were opening today and put on a fabulous show for us.  We have seen thousands of Razorbills and Guillemots on the cliff ledges along with lots of different gulls (even a few greater black backed gulls.)  Chough have been flying around all day and the Stonechats have been wonderful to see in the heath, along with a few Wheaters! This morning, we heard the wonderful enthusiastic shout of 'Puffin!' and sure enough, there on the water, were 3 amazing puffins, as well as a peregrine falcon soaring high above.  In addition to these amazing birds, we have spotted a grey seal in the area and lizards along the path basking in the sunlight.  The beautiful wild flower display at South Stack has started to emerge and I must admit, I cant think of a more beautiful place to be right now!

If you love nature and want to come and share this wonderful wildlife experience with us, we are open tomorrow (28th March) and then we are open 7 days a week from the 2nd April, we look forward to your visit! 

Bye for now,
