With this glorious weather South Stack has begun to show us its brilliant colours, smells and sights! Squill, sea pink and scurvy grass to name but a few are out on show as you walk along the path, and the Gorse is in bloom with its wonderful coconut scent. As you look you may be lucky and spot a common lizard or an adder basking in the sun!

The birds here at South Stack have also been very active with this sunny spell as they get ready for the season ahead. If you listen you can hear Skylarks as they call from high in the sky or Stonechats as they perch among the Gorse…and you won’t mistake the croak of a Raven as it glides along the cliff tops. The Choughs can be seen in large groups diving in flight or probing the ground with their long red bill for grubs,, and of course they will have a family to feed very shortly! The seabirds are a great sight to see from Ellins Tower as guilliemots, razorbills and puffins begin their summer season on land to mate and lay their eggs. We can see them extra close with our live camera’s placed out on the cliff ;if your lucky you might see a pair of puffins ‘billing’ or some razorbills checking out a suitable rock crevice for laying their eggs. Take a look with our scopes and you might also see a pair of Fulmars nesting on the cliff, these beautiful birds pair for life and only come on land to breed.

From the Tower we have also seen Dolphins and Porpoises surfacing in groups in the tidal currents where there is plenty of food..but look quick as they will soon be off again! Seals have also been regularly sighted swimming past or maybe even catching a fish!? Our marine life here is very special with many animals that depend on it for their food and habitat. You can help protect our sea life by signing one of our campaigns – can we tempt you with a free puffin poster?

 With this fine weather we have also seen wildlife of the smaller variety. Bumblebee’s have been busy working their way from flower to flower as well as Peacocks and Small Tortoishell butterflies. Don’t be surprised also to see Swallows, Sand martins and House martins dart past as they catch insects mid-flight!

For those who are interested in any unusual sightings this year we have had a Ring Ouzel and a Black Redstart sighted at the top carpark!

 With so much to see and do there is no wonder the sight is also busy with lots of visitors – you can come too and experience this spectacle with us, we are open 7 days a week, we look forward to your visit!