Wow! What an amazing week we are having here at South Stack! There definitely seems to be a baby boom going on as one of our trusted volunteers, Dave Street, has said he’s seen plenty of Linnets and Stonechats all feeding their young this morning, what a sight that must have been!


We have plenty of breeding birds about and many have decided to join Mr and Mrs Razorbill in laying their eggs, I’m so excited to see them hatching, which should be in about 25-35 days!  We have seen lots of last years young scouting out the area, with up to 14 Chough sighted yesterday all dipping and diving through the air, it certainly put a smile on my face for the rest of the day.


Talking of blooming marvelous, South Stack’s very own Spathulate fleawort is starting to bloom!  This is a flower that grows no where else in the entire world, now isn’t that worth coming to see? I think so! 


That’s all for now folks, but before you go, check out our live webcam at to watch Mr and Mrs Razorbill being very loved up and incubating their egg. If you watch for long enough, you may even notice that the male and female share the incubation duties! 


See you soon,

