RSPB Cymru is delighted to announce we have taken over the ownership of the South Stack Kitchen Café!  This is something we have been very keen to do for about 20 years now and so we are very happy to finally get this opportunity to provide a Café worthy of its place in this wonderful landscape!


After being told in March we had some money available and as little as 3 weeks to purchase the Café, lots of RSPB Staff worked very hard to ensure we could complete this purchase, and thankfully, we were handed the keys on Friday 9th April.  Bright and Early on Monday 12th April, local contractors moved in after a few hours, the Café was an empty shell!  This involved filling 2 skip loads of unusable equipment, plaster, fixtures and fittings (I think the builders had a lot of fun demolishing the kitchen and hammering down a wall or two, shame they didn’t leave the toilet doors on for us, now we have to nip down to the public loo’s!)  Since then, we’ve had lots of painting going on, industrial cleaners in to get the kitchen *** and span and now we are getting our deliveries in and racing ahead to get you that much needed cup of tea you all deserve after a good walk around the reserve.


We are looking forward to interviewing a good number of local applicants for the catering vacancies this week, who will hopefully have some fantastic ideas to bring you an amazing Café experience.


The final deadline set for opening is the 28th May but were hoping to bring you a lovely new Café experience even sooner! 


The RSPB have a fantastic vision for the future at South Stack.  We would love to bring you a brand new visitor centre and Café in the next 3-5 years.  Over the next year we will be developing plans and ideas, seeking advice and support as widely as we can  – and we want to know what you want this centre to do for you, so please talk to any member of our team and let them know what you think. You can contact us by phone 01407 764973 or email us at


Alternatively, why not pop into our Information Centre at Ellins Tower, which is open 7 days a week (10am – 5.30pm) where our staff and volunteers will listen to and collate your thoughts and ideas.


I’m so excited about everything that is happening here at South Stack and I really look forward to hearing all your thoughts! Keep your eyes peeled as we hope to bring you lots of updates and photos of the work being carried out over the next few weeks.


Yours truly,

