Any Fieldfares yet?

Hello, since getting in to birding about a year ago I have had a thing about Fieldfares and I'm desperate to see one! Last winter I saw lots of Redwings but no Fieldfares so I have been so looking forward to this autumn's migration. The title of this post says it all really. Have any Fieldfares been spotted on or by the reserve yet and do you usually get many? Looking forward to seeing my first one!

Many thanks! :)

  • You're welcome, glad you managed to get down and pick it up. Merry Christmas to you too. Oh, by the way, did you see the exhibition in the new hide? I'll be following them in with my stuff, not got an exact date yet but looks like being from the second week of Jan - so if you are at the reserve in Jan, pop in ansd have a look.

  • Hi Dawn, I finally made it to the reserve last Friday and just wanted to say how much I enjoyed your exhibition in the new hide (first time in the hide too!). I especially love the Waxwings picture but the frame it is in wouldn't go in my house. I hope you don't mind me asking but would it be possible to buy the picture without the frame please?

    On the Fieldfare front I saw just one one the reserve but have been seeing them regularly in the Belhus Woods area. Don't know how I missed them last year!

    PS, do you think you might be adding Fieldfares to your exhibited work?

  • Glad you enjoyed the exhibition. Yes if you want the waxwings you can have it without the frame (knock £15 off), or I could put it in a different frame, was there a particular style you had in mind?

    The fieldfare was in the exhibition, but sold and was taken away on the first day - it was only a small one at £25. I could always paint another.

  • Thank you so much! I was thinking about a mid oak colour. You have a picture of similar size to the Waxwings in your exhibition which I think is of Bearded Tits and that frame would be perfect. If you would be able to reframe it in that would be wonderful please.

    How disappointing about the Fieldfare. I guess it was similar in size to the Redwing picture.

    Thank you again.

  • No problem. When are you going down to the reserve again? I will try and get another one of those frames, or if neither picture has sold I should be able to swap the frames - I think the mounts are probably the same size, so it should fit in the other frame.

    Yes the Fieldfare was the same size as the Redwing, I did the Redwing to go with the Fieldfare, but when I came to hang them I'd forgotton to string the Redwing so couldn't put it up. Then the Fieldfare sold, and I brought the Redwing back as a replacement. I will probably do another Fieldfare, but in a different pose, anyway, but I don't think I will be able to hang it as there are no spare hooks left!  

  • Sorry for not replying sooner Dawn. I'll be at the reserve sometime in the next couple of weeks, not sure exactly when. I'm sure the Redwing and Fieldfare would look great together!

  • If you want the Waxwings your best bet is to phone the reserve, ask to be put through to the shop, and ask if you can reserve it and come in and pay at a later date. Then if you let me know when you are going down (must be by the 20th Feb) I can try and meet you and sort the frames out.

  • Skyelark, I've just got back from the reserve. The fieldfares have certainly arrived! Looks like this cold snap has brought them in - there were dozens of them, in mixed flocks with redwings. Down in the woods they were everywhere you looked, I counted about 70 (redwings and fieldfares) in just one small area, I wouldn't be surprised if there were 200 in total around the woods!!  



  • Hi Guys,

    There certainly is plenty of them now! I was at Rainham today and took some pics with my new Fuji HS20 Bridge camera.



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