A potter about on Hen Harrier Day

It was a lovely morning at Rainham Marshes when I arrived for Hen Harrier Day.  As it was dry and the temperature was comfortable I had a quick look around before the event started.

I'm getting used to seeing cattle on a fair number of reserves - it's always lovely to see them with their young!

Canada geese enjoying the watering hole.

Not a great snap but it's still a whitethroat.

There were loads of them about.

There were loads of goldfinches about as well.

This magpie calmly works out its best approach to accessing the hanging feeders.

A coot enjoying the peace and quiet.

The goldfinches arrive for the pool party.

I like moorhens.  Their feet are amazing!

A young coot.

I found myself wanting to introduce Mr Botham and the grouse shooting lobby to these impressive horns.

Mr Spadger looks outraged at this intrusion of his privacy.

Enjoy, as always.

Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Lovely pics, Clare--thanks.  I was wondering if you would go to Rainham again for HH Day.  We thought the carpark would be overflowing by the time we arrived, and since I am not up to the hike from the train we gave it a miss.  We were there in spirit though!

    Kind regards, Ann