I received the very sad news last night that Gordon Allison, the warden of our Elmley Reserve in North Kent died suddenly yesterday morning. He was a great birder, always a good laugh and will be sorely missed within the RSPB and the greater brding community. No longer will I be able to find something special for him at Northward Hill on the annual countryside fair. I hope Tony Morris does not mind me using this picture of Gordon from his blog. Gordon was only 50.

Howard Vaughan, Information Officer

  • Such terribly sad news. Gordon will be missed greatly and so will his love and immense knowledge of the North Kent Marshes, it's wildlife and habitats. We have many fond memories of Gordon especially our day onboard Rainbow Warrior. Our thoughts and sympathies are with his family at this very sad time.

    Gill, Joan and George

  • I first met Gordon at Gibraltar Point in 1987 and he has always been a great friend (he came to our wedding and gave my wife a rolling pin!). Since 2008 those of us from Gib in the late 1980's have been meeting up in the autumn to bird and to reminisce. Our meet up will be more sombre this year but, as I;m sure many people will say, our lives have been greatly enriched by knowing Gordon W Allison.

    Judy, our sincere condolences to you and your family. I'd love to be there to say goodbye to Gordon. Message me if you can.

    Paul Gosling

  • Very sad news indeed. It's a great shock, and he will be missed. Thinking of you and your whole family Judy, from all of us over at Rye Meads.

  • Hi, I've just read Judy's comments. I'm one of the volunteers at Elmley and was due to be there on Sunday. However, I exchanged text messages with Gordon that morning in which he advised not to turn out due to the snow, along with witty comments about those nearby who were already out "playing" in the snow. I'm completely stunned his passing as are his colleagues on the reserve. My thoughts are with Gordon's family, of which he often spoke fondly. He is sadly missed. My life was enriched through having known him.

  • Hi, my names JudyAllison and Gordon was my brother. The whole family is still in shock as you can imagine, but the heartening thing for us was to hear he had a great day on Saturday and posted a blog confirming that. He loved his job with the rspb and even just knowing that he was doing a job he loved gives us comfort. My dad is going to be in touch with the area manager, and also have to make the harrowing journey down south soon to make arrangements. The funeral will be in Glasgow, details still to be arranged but just wanted to say, from my heart, thank you to everyone who knew him and cared about him. He will be missed so much in our lifes but glad the whole family were there for his 50th back in July. I love you Gordon, the world was a better place with you in it. Xxxx