I received the very sad news last night that Gordon Allison, the warden of our Elmley Reserve in North Kent died suddenly yesterday morning. He was a great birder, always a good laugh and will be sorely missed within the RSPB and the greater brding community. No longer will I be able to find something special for him at Northward Hill on the annual countryside fair. I hope Tony Morris does not mind me using this picture of Gordon from his blog. Gordon was only 50.

Howard Vaughan, Information Officer

  • Hi, I've just read Judy's comments. I'm one of the volunteers at Elmley and was due to be there on Sunday. However, I exchanged text messages with Gordon that morning in which he advised not to turn out due to the snow, along with witty comments about those nearby who were already out "playing" in the snow. I'm completely stunned his passing as are his colleagues on the reserve. My thoughts are with Gordon's family, of which he often spoke fondly. He is sadly missed. My life was enriched through having known him.

  • Hi, I've just read Judy's comments. I'm one of the volunteers at Elmley and was due to be there on Sunday. However, I exchanged text messages with Gordon that morning in which he advised not to turn out due to the snow, along with witty comments about those nearby who were already out "playing" in the snow. I'm completely stunned his passing as are his colleagues on the reserve. My thoughts are with Gordon's family, of which he often spoke fondly. He is sadly missed. My life was enriched through having known him.

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