New fly for Minsmere?

Visited over the weekend. Took this picture at Digger Alley on Friday 8th. Pics aren't the best but it appears to be a tachinid that goes by the name of Periscepsia carbonaria. Checking the recording sites and it looks to be either rare or very under-recorded. iRecord seems the most up-to-date and there are no records onsite at Minsmere 

Would be nice to know if it is a new species for Minsmere 

  • My colleagues have confirmed the identity of this fly. Not only is a first record for Minsmere, but it is probably a first for any RSPB reserve, so it's a brilliant record. They have emphasised the same as Whistling Joe - by adding this sighting to iRecord it can officially be added to our records, and help to improve the national database. My colleagues tell me that you have already added the record, so thanks for that, and well done again on adding another new species to our burgeoning list
  • My colleagues have confirmed the identity of this fly. Not only is a first record for Minsmere, but it is probably a first for any RSPB reserve, so it's a brilliant record. They have emphasised the same as Whistling Joe - by adding this sighting to iRecord it can officially be added to our records, and help to improve the national database. My colleagues tell me that you have already added the record, so thanks for that, and well done again on adding another new species to our burgeoning list
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