Made my triennial visit to Minsmere (not sure if that's a word) last Thursday. Luckily coincided with bird ringing demo (unluckily I missed them with Bearded Tits and saw 'only' a juvenile Dunnock in hand) and also some friendly staff in digger alley. Probably first time ever visiting I didn't see a single Marsh Harrier or Bittern, I guess being in the wrong place at the wrong time syndrome. Plenty of other things about, enjoyed the Green-eyed bees (having seen other photos I won't post my point and click version) but also this Green Chafer - not sure of the exact species?
In the dunes nice Stonechat, Whitethroat & Burnet Moth
Also this bird now I'm looking at the photo not sure what it is, unfortunately it's largely in silhouette, hopefully someone might be able to tell from the look
From the public hide, I took a few distance shots to try and check later at max zoom.
Could this first one be a Little Gull?
Not sure what this is, juvenile or in moult?
Around the other side, tried to get the Little Egret with fish in mouth but was too early , Redshank was very obliging.
Nice coffee and sausage roll watching the Sand Martins finished off the morning, along with rabbit which seemed to want to use the facilities
(Pardon the Scottish Accent)