A rainy day out on the Reserve.

Last Saturday the weather forecast wasn't great but with my wife out with a friend I thought I'd head for Minsmere for the day. I was a good job we were both out all day as a burst pipe in the high street meant no water at home until gone midnight.

My first stop was Island Mere and right in front of the hide a Reed Bunting doing an impression of a Wader.

Followed by a Pied Wagtail.

A Snipe close to the hide and in the open.

These are my best views of a Marsh Harrier with it's wing tags showing FL.

A Coot deciding to join it's mates in the middle of the Mere.

After a leisurely cup of tea and cheese scone back at the Visitor Centre while it rained I went to Bittern Hide. With many more Marsh Harrier fly pasts.

Then a Male and two Female Goosanders appeared at the back of the lagoon, they stayed for quite a while but never got very close.

Two more Marsh Harriers interacting over the reeds.

By now I was very cold, I'd miss read the weather forecast and had gone out somewhat under dressed and decided to head home to thaw out. A good day was had and I had a good chat with two new "friends" at Island Mere and at Bittern Hide bumped into a chap I've meet quite a few times at Minsmere over the years, it was good talking to you Eddie if you see this.

Best Wishes,


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