I'm mindful I have been somewhat lax in the past few weeks in putting up a Digger Alley thread - I plead overwork in the image and video processing department! Mostly my own fault as I've done more narration and/or background music on the videos, so make sure the sound is on for the little clips :-)
This summer has been particularly hot and I wouldn't be surprised to see the Alley wind down quite quickly as all the flowers get blasted by the incessant sunshine (all the insects rely on nectar for their sustenance), but there's still been a good mixture of the weird & wonderful to entertain us all....
The Beewolf is, of course, the most famous of the Waspy diggers and there's been plenty of activity to show people
I even managed some footage of a little male, nearing the end of his life, but still trying to keep smart for the ladies
The little males look different from the females, I always think they look quite regal with a crown on their face
Weevil Wolves were also quite reliable this year - the last couple of years they've been thin on the ground but more were about this time
And as you can see, those pesky little Jewel Wasps have been sneaking around again - though this one had a leisurely wash for the camera
Sometimes it wasn't possible to video them - this one is sat on the probe lens!
Sandwasps have been marching about with their giant caterpillar prey
Even if their choice of burrow isn't always the best
Silvery Leafcutter Bees were a new species for the video this year - we've seen them before but not got any recordings
Everyone is keen to see the Pantaloons too - and they haven't disappointed, there seem to be more around this year. Good job, because the Satellite flies have been very active too!
And you can't talk bees without seeing the pretty little Green Eyed Flower Bee
and the wonderfully named Pointy-bum Bees have been sneaking around too - they're cuckoo bees, pinching other bees' pollen
Finally though, something a little different - Mrs WJ had been watching these Labyrinth spiders for some time when she spotted them up to something - Ladies and Gentlement, I give you.... Mating Labyrinth Spiders!
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