Bits of this, that and the other

I realised it has been some time since I put up a thread, so here's a little bit of a winter roundup :-)

Bittern hide has been living up to its name recently, with one particular resident fishing in the waters immediately in front of the hide

Bitterns aren't always easy to spot though, even when close, their feathers are the colours of dead reeds and shadow as this pic demonstrates

Something else difficult to spot was this Grass snake - on the 2nd January!

The warm weather didn't bring an Adder to the party, but a Slow-worm was out and about just the other day, so Adders won't be far behind

Marsh Harriers have been floating over the reedbeds

and even skydancing on the nicer days

Out on the scrape, Teal were slip-sliding around on the ice

and Shoveller were showing off their skills

A Great White Egret took to hanging out with its Little friend, very useful for us trying to explain the differences

In the woods, Treecreepers have been regularly showing off their feeding strategies

and Redwing chuck the leaves everywhere looking for small wigglies

Whilst on the seashore, Gulls drift along the coast

Stars of the show for many visitors however, have been the Beardies - is it possible not to love these pretty little birds?


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  • Great to see your post WJ. From the Bittern to the Beardies it is with pleasure I have looked through your videos and pics. The Marsh Harrier looking around as he glides calmly above the reed bed, and the photo of Little and Large, all terrific. Don't take so long before you post again!! :-)

    Lot to learn

  • Great to see your post WJ. From the Bittern to the Beardies it is with pleasure I have looked through your videos and pics. The Marsh Harrier looking around as he glides calmly above the reed bed, and the photo of Little and Large, all terrific. Don't take so long before you post again!! :-)

    Lot to learn

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