The Alley is starting to slow down...

Well, a little bit anyway.  Mind you, it's been a busy time over the last few weeks, down along Digger Alley.  New species have turned up - this one's a Bear Clawed Nomad Bee no less!

and the ever popular Pointy Bum Bee has been a regular visitor

There's been sex....

and death

Those ants are excellent at clearing away anything littering the path!  Everyone gets their own back when the ants start flying however

With these guys hawking up and down the path, snatching the ants from mid-air

Green Eyed Flower Bees are still busy - if a little worn.  They have had a good year, we've had lots whizzing around us

Beewolves are still hunting

Jewel wasps are still glittering

and Sand Wasps are still hunting down their enormous caterpillar prey - amazing they can shift something that big!

You do need to keep your eyes peeled though - you never know who's sneaking up behind you....


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