The news is out - the explanation for all those extra hides and whatnot is finally official :-)
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YAY! I didn't think they would have added all that lot to Minsmere without a good reason. They couldn't have chosen a lovelier reserve.
Our herring gulls are red listed birds. Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.
Just been reading this fabulous news from a link on FB ... Will be great to have it for three whole weeks!!!
2013 photos & vids here
eff37 on Flickr
Oh no that means I will have to keep away from Minsmere for a few weeks, it will be unbearable there and chock a block with visitors that don't normally go there, and this is going to happen again next year and possibility the year after.
"Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."
Magnus Ullman
My Flickr account is here
As long as they get extra cake into the tea shop it should be fine :-) There's bound to be a surge of visitors on the back of the programmes, but it's a large site and I suspect the numbers will vanish into the acres
Not a problem.
I'm usually on my way home by the time the casuals turn up!
They will need to build bigger hide to take all the extra people,
as we regulars will be lucky to get in to the hides unless we camp there over night.
We'll all squeeze up to let Michaela sit down. Martin & Chris'll have to stand at the back :-)
Actually, Chris is a 'tog, so he might like to be near the window too. I'm sure some of the regular ladies will make space :-)
As a local resident, I am very pleased that the BBC have recognised the value of Minsmere and are hosting Springwatch there. It will increase the profile of the Suffolk coast and provide valuable revenue for tourist industries in our area. Minsmere will still be there long after the cameras and people go, so "bring it on, BBC"!
Limpy said:chock a block with visitors that don't normally go there
Limpy said:as we regulars will be lucky to get in to the hides