The news is out - the explanation for all those extra hides and whatnot is finally official :-)
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Thanks for all your kind comments - and for helping us to keep this amazing news quiet while the studio and filming hides have been built.
We are incredibly excited to be able to share Minsmere's fantastic wildlife with everyone in the UK via the brilliant BBC Springwatch series. Imagine being able to watch our bitterns, Cetti's warblers, badgers and other wildlife on your TV screens then coming along to see it for yourself the next day.
Yes, of course there will be more visitors, but we're confident that you'll still be able to see our amazing wildlife without any problems. One of the best options for our regulars, as Rich Gannon says, is to come in early as few visitors will arrive before the visitor centre opens at 9 am. That way you can enjoy the best time of day - early morning - in peace, and then perhaps stay on to help our new visitors to enjoy there visit too.
We will have overflow parking and extra toilets and catering available - and don't worry, the cafe will still be serving those fabulous cakes.
Unknown said: the cafe will still be serving those fabulous cakes
That's relieved my primary concern Ian - it'd have been a formal complaint if the cakes got cleared out!! :-)
More jacket potato too as you often run out off them.
"Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."
Magnus Ullman
My Flickr account is here
edgebander said:Sorry,Limpy but I dont see nature reserves as being exclusive.
edgebander I never said it was not sure what your point is.
Sorry, probably displaying total novice status but what's a "'tog" ? Apart from one of Wogan's fanbase, that is....
Post doesn't seem to have picked up the Whistling Joe post to which I am replying. Said I was new to this!
LOL! 'tog is short for Photographer :-)
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Unknown said:LOL! 'tog is short for Photographer
Whistling Joe is it a Tog with a short one or a long one.
Thanks for that, one learns every day! Much appreciated.
I've known about it myself for quite awhile along with alot of other members and i'm pleased that now it's been officialy announced by both the RSPB and the BBC. I look forward to the 24 hour webcam's and the red button as well as the regular evening programe at 8.00pm on BBC 2.
Limpy said:is it a Tog with a short one or a long one.
Technically I believe, in this instance, size doesn't matter, though it's most often used to refer to those having equipment of a less than discrete nature :-)