Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 27 June 2021


Everyone have a serene and joyful week! 

  • Pat, you came on whilst I was wittering. I heard that you all Down South would get a deluge as there was a weather warning. We just have clouds at the moment, but may get rain by tonight.

    (I'm in Cheshire, N West England)

  • Great series of pictures from both visits Clare,
    Is the young man driving yet?
  • You bet he is, Mike - there's no stopping him!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Yes, LINDY , I can quite easily say ' tomorrow is another day'. My son had been back at his home for three days before I stripped his bed etc.
  • HEATHER Glad to hear of your sons progress. LINDY Hope the vet is pleased with Bonnies foot. Benson was at the groomer this morning which is just as well as this must easily be our hottest day so far.
  • It's been showering gently here: enough to wet the laundry I'd put out before we left to go visit Sue and have a family discussion. On the way home from there, it was beginning to rain but stopped when halfway. We got held up by traffic, and lo and behold, it was just beginning to rain as we pulled into our driveway - had to run out to grab everything!I
  • Good evening. Been outside to check ID of supposed Courgettes as E_E was not sure about them. Definitely round fruits – Pumpkins, Squashes, Gourds --- I wonder? Does anyone have any experience with round squashes? Left him out there watering with hosepipe again. Yesterday we both worked in the afternoon – weeding, tidying etc but busy with HW today.

    Good to read posts from so many – excuse lack of personal replies.

    LINDA – I too am amazed at the pace everything is growing – Tomatoes in greenhouse look as if they are racing each other to be first through the top windows! Good that family are talking and trying to resolve differences – better than clamming up on each other. I hope Vet was happy with Bonnie. Rain – what’s that? Been dry again here. Is Toffee well-settled in with Sue now?

    CLARE – thanks for sharing photos from Minsmere and Rainham Marshes. Good that you can now share the driving.
    AQ – Delta Covid news from downunder is quite worrying. I hope it won’s spread to S A.

    HEATHER – good to see Son’s leg is healing and he is losing weight! Was this the influence of Mum and family when he came to stay, or is his doc properly on the case?

    J’s birthday tomorrow – must write in his card, which OH chose this time. That is worthy of note – he never knows when birthdays are, I have to arrange cards and dates for his side of family as well as mine.
  • A few days of hot weather so lots of work done catching up after rain….
    More deep cleaning as youngest driving upon Thursday for a well deserved rest. Her flat is being sold it’s a first floor one but it’s own outside staircase and good views . Instead of it depressing her she she got a mortgage advisor and she know has the offer. All going well apart from the Bournemouth local searches which have been criticised in the press for being so slow.
    Heather pleased to hear son is now on top of his health issues you must me relieved on at least one front.
    Dogs doing well apart from Daisy being a bit down but found out she had an ear infection but all sorted in one vets visit.
    Watching Andy at Wimbledon and as I would love to be there not with that amount of close contact and no masks regardless of vaccinations.
  • Hello all, and thanks once again Diane for starting us off. Lovely to read all your news so far.

    I have had rather an eventful day. Was at the doc's this morning re a very bad attack of piles Examined me and promptly felt I ought to go to A&E to get things sorted. Rang for the ambulance to pick me up from the don'c and I informed OH what was happening. Arrived at A&E , was booked in about 2.30pm.. Eventually was seen round about 5pm and then transferred to another area to see someone from the surgical team. After another wait, about 7.15 was seen by surgical doctor, examination, told me what to do and what is going to happen in due course (that took all of about 10mins). Dau came and picked me up around 8pm after I contacted her. What a day!!!!. To top it all, OH texted
    to say the holiday had been cancelled. Oh well, just another day!!
  • Where, while loading his ark, did Noah find penguins and polar bears in Palestine? (Judith Hayes)

    If Moses were alive today he’d come down from the mountain with the Ten Commandments and spend the next five years trying to get them published.

    None of us can boast about the morality of our ancestors. The record does not show that Adam and Eve were ever married. (E W Howe)